Sunday, January 10, 2010


I recently entered into a self-challenge. Without going into detail, it involves “streaking”. No, not running around sans-clothes, but running for a string of consecutive days. In this case, attempting to go the full year. A friend of mine from the Burke store accomplished this feat last year. He ended up very fit by the end, and notched several race victories over 2009.

This challenge has gotten me thinking about scheduling. Having already had two runs start after 9pm, I know I have to get my run in earlier. I also know that I am not very good at waking up and running. I need some time for my legs to get moving; rolling out of bed and out the door does not work for me consistently. However, I am making the attempt to become a morning runner. Work schedules typically do not permit the easy afternoon running that came when I was younger and on a school’s time-clock. So, earlier it is.

The key here is to get into a routine. With hectic lives and increasing workloads, it sometimes seems daunting trying to find the time to get out the door for a run. It is important to devise a schedule that leaves time for work, family and our health. Too many times we will skip exercising because we say we don’t have time for it. It becomes easier to skip the next time, and the time after that. Getting in a routine is almost like meeting up with a running buddy…it sort of guilts you into going out, not wanting to disappoint. You know the time is there and available, so you go.

That said, there will probably still be days where I want to sleep in. If you happen to see a figure striding along the sidewalk, reflective jacket and headlamp affixed, at a random hour in the night, it is probably me…streaking.

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